Pool stats

Balance: 0 sat

Rate: 0.50 sat for 1M hashes

Hashrate: 13,788 H/s

Fee: 2.4 %


Mine at least 40000 hashes
Next check in: -107910 minutes

Faucet reward: 1-2 sat,
on top of mined hashes

Attempts to automate faucet claims will result in a ban from faucet

Balance (satoshi): 3.330000000


Balance (mined hashes): 3730956

Minimum withdraw: 2 sat

Try the javascript miner: (click here to open in new window)

GPU miner is more efficient. If the miner does not show, disable browser adblockers.

Payouts are manually processing by admin 1-2 times per day.

Invite your friends, referral commission from mining: 10% and 50% from faucet claims.
Your link: http://bitsypool.com/?r=
Your referral count: 0 (referrals who have mined hashes after registering)

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