Top miners

Everyday top 5 miners will receive a bonus reward!
Reward payout time is 00:00 UTC

1. 1DwvC...pg4Th 4,034,083,748
2. 14LmU...Ak6qT 3,395,445,884
3. 1EvjF...uqANn 2,392,574,591
4. 1NvZZ...jf2yj 892,032,841
5. your_...dress 581,091,559
6. 1CoGD...KUbTj 259,231,134
7. 1ET6N...zQnrT 165,585,103
8. 1P4k6...MMM1T 53,783,142
9. 3DRYH...8oYLc 16,257,452
10. 1MPKh...vKf4W 11,214,263

Users who have mined within the last 3 days.
Withdrawal resets total hashes.

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